PiQo4 Laser Pigment Treatment
$799 per session
Advantages of PiQo4 Laser Pigment Treatment®:
Quick treatments with noticeable results.
Safe on all skin types
Acoustic energy allowing safe and effective treatment on melasma
Faster recovery and no to minimal downtime
Breakthrough laser technology for creating clear skin free of irregular pigment from acne, birthmarks, scars, sun spots, age and more
Do imperfections in your skin pigmentation, birthmarks, spots or scars disrupt your natural beauty? PiQo4 is a breakthrough laser technology for creating clear skin free of irregular pigment issues caused due to acne, birthmarks, scars, sun damage, age, and more.
What it treats?
Acne Hyperpigmentation and scarring
Sun damage and brown spots
Fine lines and wrinkles
General skin tone and texture
What is PiQo4?
PiQo4 is the most revolutionary laser technology available today for eliminating an array of skin imperfections. It is the only non-thermal laser with four wavelengths and both nanosecond and picosecond pulse delivery. The highly focused light breaks up pigmentation and encourages collagen formation that helps eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. By targeting the pigment at different levels of skin through adjustable penetration depths, and at various wavelengths, PiQo4 shatters pigment without harming surrounding skin. The final result delivers rejuvenated skin with no downtime.
Breaking down the new technology:
Clinical studies have shown that the optimal method for shattering pigment particles is to treat them with both Nano and Picosecond laser pulses.
First, the Nanosecond pulses are used to deliver short bursts of energy that break down the larger and deeper pigment or ink particles. Then, the area is rescanned with Picosecond pulses that dismantle the smaller and shallower particles. This combination yields far better results than using either one of the technologies on its own.
How PiQo4 works
What we love about PiQo4
PiQo4 has high power output and the largest spot size on the market, which can effectively reach both shallow and deep pigments for a remarkably better result than previous technologies – even skin results from the most severe cases of melasma, acne scars, vascular lesions, birthmarks and moles, making it the most advanced laser technology for removal of excess pigmentation.
This is the only laser on the market suited for all skin tones, including darker skin tones which are traditionally more difficult to treat due to the high rate of rebound with post inflammatory hypopigmentation.
What to expect
Topical numbing cream can be used to eliminate any discomfort during the treatment. Immediately after treatment, you may see a whitish “frosting” over treated areas where pigmentation was darkest. The skin may be slightly swollen, accompanied by mild redness. The frosting, swelling and redness will resolve in a matter of hours.
The small, dot size area may crust slightly as the body repairs itself. This will resolve naturally. Unlike the long recovery period of other fractional lasers, 6 to 8 hours after the PiQo4 laser treatment, only minimal redness may be noticed. The treatment does not break the skin and the area completely heals within 12 hours
Typically your physician should advise to stay out of direct sun for a few days following the treatment and to apply sun screen.
How many treatments?
The treatment works with your skin to stimulate deep collagen regeneration over a sequence of treatments. Already after the first session, you may begin to notice improvement in skin texture and pigmentation.
Optimal results are typically achieved after 3-5 sessions in 2-6 weeks intervals. However, you may continue to see improvements for up to six months following the treatment.
Typically, about 3 sessions are needed to have a visible improvement in the skin texture
Possible side effects
Persons known to form skin keloids may be more prone to scarring after any skin trauma, including laser administration to the skin. Persons with dark skin may be at increased risk of hypopigmentation. Hypo and hyper-pigmentation are a common risk of treatment. Treatment of lesions or treatment near lesions that are known to be or suspected of being cancerous are contraindicated. Any treatment around the eyes is contraindicated due to the risk of laser light induced eye injury.
Immediately after administration of the laser energy to the skin, purpura, erythema, and slight edema may be visible. The patient may experience pruritus and a sunburn-like sensation. Possible long-term potential adverse effects include hypo- or hyper-pigmentation, skin texture change, and scarring, although these effects are rare.
Pregnancy, breast-feeding;
Cold, elevated body temperature;
Suntan (less than 4 weeks);
Eyebrows dyed by color/henna (less than 4 weeks);
Acute skin disorders;
Tendency to form keloid scars;
Blood clotting disorder;
Diabetes type I;
Autoimmune disorders;
Mental illness;
Elevated blood pressure;
Alcohol intake before and after the procedure;