The Complete Before and Aftercare Instructions
For Laser Tattoo Removal
Pre-treatment care (what to do before your appointment)
Area must be shaved 24 hours prior to your appointment. Avoid to shave right before the treatment to keep the skin healthy and intact. Bikini services, don’t shave the part where you want to keep the hair.
No makeup/lotion/deodorant on the day of your appointment (on treatment area).
Stay out of direct sunlight for at least 3 days prior to your appointment (& 3 days after).
Do not tan for two to four weeks prior (technician will advise).
Do not use self-tanner or spray tan products for at least 2 weeks before your treatment to avoid potential injury.
Avoid drinking more than 2 alcoholic beverages 24 hours before your treatment .
Avoid waxing/threading/tweezing in the area for at least 4 weeks. Shaving is ok!
Avoid chemical peels and other laser procedures in the area to be treated for 2 weeks prior and two weeks after your laser treatment.
Avoid all alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxyl products (AHA/BHA), hydroquinone, retinols/retinoid, Tazorac, and Differin for 7 days before treatment.
Post-treatment care:
Redness & Bumps are normal.
Immediately after your treatment, redness & bumps at the treatment area are common; these may last up to 2 hours or longer. It is normal for the treated area to feel like a sunburn for a few hours. You should use a cold towel ( no ice pack direct contact the skin) if the sensitivity continues.Over the counter medication is recommended for post treatment discomfort. You may also apply Restorative Gel (highest recommended), cool towels,or aloe vera to alleviate discomfort due to heat.If there is any crusting, apply an antibiotic cream or seek medical advisor.
Darker pigmented skin may have more discomfort than lighter skin & may persist longer.
Cleanse the area treated gently.
The treated area may be washed gently with a mild soap. Skin should be patted dry & not rubbed during the first 48 hours.Do not exercise; take hot showers, swimming pools, or use hot tubs or saunas for 12-48 hours; as all of these can increase your chances for infection.
No makeup & lotion/moisturizer/deodorant for the first 24 hours.
Keep the treated area clean & dry, if further redness or irritation persists, skip your makeup & moisturizer, & deodorant (for underarms) until the irritation has subsided.Spot-test all products after 12-24 hours before full application.Dead hairs will begin to shed 5-30 days after your treatment.
Stubble, representing dead hair being shed from the hair follicle, will appear within 5-30 days from the treatment date. that is normal & they will fall out quickly.Exfoliate to speed up hair shedding.
Anywhere from 5-30 days after the treatment, shedding of the hair may occur & this may appear as new hair growth. It is not new hair growth, but the dead hair pushing its way out of the follicle. You can help the hair come out by washing with a washcloth.Wait to shave 10 days after the treatments .
Avoid the sun.
Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of dark or light spots for 2 months. Use sunscreen (spf 30 or higher) at all times throughout the treatment period & for 1-2 months following.Do not pick/scratch/wax/thread/tweeze the area.
Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. do not use any other hair removal methods or products, other than shaving, on the treated area during the course of your laser treatments, as it will prevent you from achieving the best results.Hair growth varies.
On average, most will experience a level of hairless happiness after 6-9 sessions which will result in not even checking for stubble (yes, it’s life changing!).If you experience any side effects, such as hypo- or hyper-pigmentation, prolonged redness or swelling, a histamine reaction, or blistering, call or come in for instructions on treatment.
not a candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
Clients with any abnormal lesions, moles or spots on the area to be treated must be cleared by a medical practitioner prior to treatment.
Clients who have used Accutane or similar products within the last 6 months CANNOT have laser hair removal treatments.
Laser services cannot be performed on ladies who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive.
Bikini laser services will not be performed on menstruating clients.
If you have Botox or dermal fillers in the area to be treated, wait 14 days both before and after injection to receive treatments.
Antibiotics may increase photosensitivity. We recommend that you check with your personal physician prior to receiving laser treatments if you are taking a long-term antibiotic. If you become ill and begin taking an antibiotic, you will need to be off the medication for 7 days before laser treatment.
A few key things you can do to see faster results:
Drink lots of water. Keeping the body hydrated is key to maintaining a strong immune system. It helps flush out toxins and restore blood cells, which are key to preventing infections.
Decrease alcohol consumption. Too much alcohol intake can cause dehydration, which slows down the healing process. If possible, avoid alcohol entirely.
Don’t smoke. When you smoke, your immune system has to work harder to remove the pollutants. Your body won’t be able to work as hard at healing your skin. Non-smokers see better results and usually need fewer treatments.
Exercise. Exercising increases blood flow. Increased blood flow actually helps to break down the ink particles in your skin. You should take a few days off exercising immediately after treatment. But once your skin scabs over, physical activity can help the tattoo removal process along.